
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

True Blood Season 6 (Update)

PhotoUpdate 6/11: So it appears that Sookie's love interest in season 6 will not be the sexy Quinn, but rather a fairy named Ben Flynn. Perhaps you tried to get witty with the rhyming, True Blood, but not cool. Not cool at all. In the short story "Gift Wrap" in A Touch of Dead Sookie has a Christmas Eve one night stand of passion with a fairy named Preston. Nothing else really came from it. Chronologically, this story takes place after book 8 in the series but hey, what the heck True Blood? Since everything else plot-wise is out of whack let's throw this random Ben Flynn plot in, too. 

If you keep up with my blog then you know that I’m a huge fan of the Sookie Stackhouse novel series. It’s no surprise then that when the show True Blood started 6 years ago, I was immediately hooked. The series started off keeping close to the plot of its predecessor novels, representing each season, respectively. However, as the seasons have progressed, the show has gone off the tracks and has become a new beast entirely (no pun intended). I understand the need for minor plots, storylines and characters on screen, but too many and it’s overkill. That’s how I feel about True Blood now; somewhere between seasons 4 and 5, for me, the show seems to have lost its raison d’ĂȘtre. 

Therefore, I may be one of the only fans of the HBO series who isn’t that excited about this upcoming season and may not tune in consistently, opting to check out new summer programing and catching the replays. I wasn’t too thrilled with season 5 which had a cluster of fairy hybrid babies, an acrobatic birthing sequence, fire/shadow monsters, multiple personalities of Lafayette (which is always acted to perfection, but was all over the place plot wise) and vampires on what seemed like steroids. Also, if we reference a connection to its respective novel, Definitely Dead, there looks to be no Quinn, no Amelia, no Pelt family revenge and kidnapping (which was one of the pinnacle points of Definitely Dead’s plot), no reason to go to Louisiana, because Hadley is in fairy land, and the queen is already definitely dead, so no crazy violent ball brawls. Jason still isn’t a werepanther (a plot line eliminated which I’m still begrudging), although he did tap into his inner Van Helsing. There does, however, look to be a lot of running from uber-vamp-Bill, now imbued with Lillith’s blood, vampires being hunted by mortals…again, and a whole lot of Alcide shirtless. We’ll see how the shortened season (12 episodes down to 10) goes. You can be sure I will be blogging some feedback as the season progresses.


Are you excited about the premiere of True Blood next week? What are you hoping to see or not see?

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