
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Baconator

Firstly, any man with the word "Bacon" in his name gets two thumbs up from me. It's like he was born to be awesome. Kevin Bacon is no exception. With an acting career that has spanned three decades and has garnered him Screen Actors Guild, Film Critic, merit awards, and a Golden Globe, it's no wonder people only want to be separated from him by a few degrees.

He also originated and perfected the dance now known to young people as the "Chicken, Noodle Soup" in Footloose. (Yes, folks. He did, indeed.)

Bacon's first major film role was that of Chip Diller in 1978's National Lampoon's Animal House. His career soared after that with a hit movie, or a few, every year following. The 90's was his decade with hits like Tremors, Flatliners, JFK, A Few Good Men, and Apollo 13. The 21st century brought some ups and downs for Bacon, however. Bacon came strong in 2007's Death Sentence, a film loosely based on the novel of the same name, which was a sequel to novel-turned-film, Death Wish. The critically acclaimed HBO miniseries, Taking Chance (2009) earned Bacon Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Awards. However, films like Trapped and Hollow Man left many feeling like they wanted to be invisible...or hollow? This was also around the time when Bacon's wife, Kyra Sedgwick was "bringing home the bacon" (I'm sorry, I had to) with her hit TNT drama, The Closer.

With a few more misses, comic book movie fans got to see Bacon star as the main villain in 2011's long awaited X-Men: First Class. Sensational. Bacon plays Sebastian Shaw, an energy absorbing mutant and leader of the Hellfire Club. Oozing sadistic charm, Bacon brings a fan-favorite baddie to life on the big screen. Bacon continues going strong, and I can't wait to see what his next string of films will be.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see the baconator getting the credit he deserves for chicken noodle soup. He knew there was no need for a soda on the side.


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