
Sunday, January 9, 2011


I've been saying for years now that I want a dragon. I obviously don't have one, or this would be a very different type of blog post. Anyway, said dragon would also have to have Sean Connery's voice. Otherwise, what's the point? My dragon and I would also need some type of connection.

Not like the kind of bond made in Avatar because that just creeps me out.

So I'm thinking a telepathic bond.


  1. I wouldn't mind a dragon either however even though DQ is my homeboy and his dragon sounded like sean connery. I would want mind to sound like morgan freeman or patrick stewart.

  2. Or maybe even better michael buffer! Then we would always have awesome entrances!

  3. Haha! Michael Buffer - classic! The entrances would be undeniable. Like a narrated space documentary.


Thank you for your comments! :)